Man on sofa with eyes shut
1st October 2021

New Treatment: Hypnotherapy at Broadway Lodge

We are very happy to be able to enhance the client experience at Broadway Lodge with the introduction of specialist treatment, hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy can be applied to help the healing process of a range of symptoms and scenarios that a client may have been experiencing for a period of time and we are delighted to have this available to further help them in their healing and journey into recovery from addiction.

Hypnotherapy is not a magic trick like some may believe but it is highly effective in treating a wide array of symptoms, health conditions or problematic behaviours, from wanting to quit a habit like smoking to general stress, pain management and trauma and is particularly effective to treat anxiety and phobias.


Hypnotherapy at Broadway Lodge – What to Expect

Senior Counsellor, Chris, has completed her training in hypnotherapy and is working with clients to provide one to one hypnotherapy sessions.

Delivered in a calm, quiet room away from chatter and noise in the house, Chris initially enables the client to reach a point of deep relaxation that leads to a hypnotised state. In this state, a client can relax so deeply that they feel detached, or as a client has described it, like having an out-of-body experience.

During hypnotherapy the conscious mind becomes subdued which allows the unconscious mind to focus on the messages being communicated from Chris, all tailored to the specific challenge the particular client wants to resolve.


What Client’s are Saying About Hypnotherapy at Broadway Lodge

Several clients have been receiving hypnotherapy since it was introduced in the summer at Broadway Lodge and the feedback has been extremely positive. Clients have reported that they feel more confident, more relaxed and calmer after the session and that it’s eased their anxiety.

One client summarised the experience, saying “I signed up for hypnotherapy to see if it would help me with my anxiety. I’ve found it difficult to cope with going into shops and just generally being around people. My experience with the hypnotherapy was relaxing and calming. After each session I’d felt like all my anxiety and stress that I had was lifted. Before the hypnotherapy I went for a flu vaccine and had to have someone go with me. Once I had a few sessions I went to have a COVID vaccine and once I got there I was a line around the building. It took 45 minutes to get in and have the shot and as I was leaving I realised not once was I anxious. It has also helped me in the house where I now find it possible to easily engage in groups and it also has helped with my confidence. I am very grateful and thankful to have had the chance to try it, because it has helped me in so many ways.”

Another client said, “Honestly, the hypnotherapy with Chrissy is amazing. I had it once before, but nothing like this. I feel totally safe and secure around her and her voice is so soothing and trustworthy (when I can remember it!). On the last session I literally had some sort of out-of-body experience. It was surreal, and I felt like my legs were jelly for the rest of the day. I’m always thirsty after but Chris sits you down and we spend a while just getting back to normal. I honestly feel it has made a difference to me and can’t recommend it enough. I know others have said the same. Honestly, it’s so, so good, I wish I could continue it forever.”


Hypnotherapy, along with EMDR, is available alongside our already comprehensive treatment programme which includes a variety of therapeutic interventions, relaxing sessions and holistic treatments, adding huge value and benefit to our clients.


Speak to us

We’ll be more than happy to help if you would like to find out more about treatment for addiction at Broadway Lodge. Please get in touch by calling 01934 812319, sending us a message or emailing [email protected]