alcohol addiction treatment broadway lodge

Treatment for alcohol addiction

Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centre in the UK

Alcohol addiction is one of the most common addictions in the UK and can be one of the most destructive too. We know what it’s like. We know it’s a very difficult cycle to get out of. But we also know there are ways to break free from it and get your life back.

Addiction doesn’t discriminate, it can happen to any of us during our lifetime. The good news though, is that alcohol addiction is treatable. Making the step forward to a fulfilling, addiction-free life is nothing to be ashamed of. We’re here to support you whatever your story. Just visiting this page shows that your half way there to getting the help you need.

We’re here to listen. Contact us online or call us on 01934 812319

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Addiction symptoms

What are the signs of alcohol addiction?

Alcohol is readily available and hard to avoid in everyday life so it’s easy to turn to as a coping mechanism, whether it’s drinking to mask boredom, to numb feelings resulting from a traumatic event or to cope with life stresses for instance. But ‘self-medicating’ with alcohol as a coping mechanism is a temporary fix that can quickly spiral out of control where your drinking becomes dangerous and begins to damage your mental and physical health, home life, work life and relationships.

Alcohol addiction is often referred to as ‘alcoholism’ and is characterised by a strong, often uncontrollable desire to drink. There are many different physical, behavioural and psychological signs that could indicate if you or someone you’re close to is suffering with alcohol addiction. It may be hard to detect if someone you know has alcoholism because people often feel ashamed of their drinking and tend to isolate themselves to hide it from others as much as possible.

Some of the most common signs of alcohol addiction:

  • Regularly drinking alcohol, commonly in response to increased stress although this is not always the case
  • Intense alcohol cravings
  • Finding it hard to stop drinking once you start
  • Having a desire but inability to reduce the amount you’re drinking
  • Needing to drink more to feel the effects of alcohol
  • Experiencing temporary blackouts or short-term memory loss
  • Irritability and extreme mood swings
  • Making excuses for drinking e.g. to relax, deal with stress or to feel normal
  • Choosing drinking over other responsibilities and obligations
  • Becoming isolated and distant from friends and family members
  • Drinking alone or in secrecy
  • Drinking in dangerous situations such as when driving for example
  • Planning activities around alcohol consumption
  • Feeling a need to drink in the morning to resolve withdrawal symptoms from the previous day/night’s drinking

If you’ve realised that your drinking has become a problem, it’s harming yourself or others and you can’t stop by yourself (whether you’re a dependent drinker or not) then please reach out for help. We know it takes a lot of courage but we understand and you can speak to us in confidence about getting help and if treatment at Broadway Lodge is right for you. Talk to us confidentially today.

Withdrawal symptoms

What is alcohol dependency?

Your drinking may get to the point where your body becomes dependent on alcohol. Alcohol dependency is when you need to drink daily to alleviate the physical withdrawal symptoms. Dangerous drinking is when you’re drinking excessively but not necessarily every day. You do not suffer withdrawal symptoms, but you may still identify as an alcoholic and it can quickly manifest into physical dependency. It isn’t the frequency and volume of alcohol that makes an alcoholic but the relationship with it.

For someone who is alcohol dependent, withdrawal symptoms will start to be experienced a number of hours after the last alcoholic drink. Any withdrawal symptoms will be eased once alcohol has been consumed again.

Common physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Hand tremors
  • Sweating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Restlessness
  • Insomnia
  • Visual hallucinations
  • Minor to moderate seizures (in some severe cases)

Symptoms may worsen if you continue to drink heavily but it’s important to know that if you’re alcohol dependent, suddenly stopping or “going cold turkey” should be avoided as this can lead to seizures which can be fatal. If you want to stop drinking or reduce the harm by reducing the amount you’re drinking then we would always recommend that you seek professional medical advice from your GP first so that you reduce safely.

What's it like at Broadway Lodge?

“Broadway Lodge get it right – the level of support is incredible. I was never comfortable in my own skin, I wasn’t comfortable in the world. I feel a lot of comfort now. I can show up for life today and that’s quite amazing after decades of isolation and addiction.”

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Alcohol detox

Our approach to treating alcohol addiction

If you’ve become physically dependent on alcohol, the safest way to stop drinking is to have a medically managed detox, supervised 24/7 by specialist clinicians which is what we offer at Broadway Lodge.

Whilst the thought of detoxification may seem frightening, it needn’t be. Our specialist team of supportive and friendly nurses, many of whom have worked at Broadway Lodge for over 10 or 15 years, will monitor you day and night to ensure you’re both as safe and comfortable as possible. Our clinicians include Nurse Prescribers, Mental Health Nurses, General Nurses, Health Care Assistants and a Consultant Psychiatrist.

When you arrive at Broadway Lodge you’ll be met by a member of our medical team who will guide you to your en-suite room which is where you’ll stay for the duration of your detox. This will be in our five-bedroom medical suite called the Gordon Beard Unit which is located next to the main house. One of our clinicians will settle you into your new room and when you’re ready, they will discuss your plan of care with you. Please note: bedrooms in the Gordon Beard Unit are twin occupancy so you may be asked to share a room with a peer of the same sex for part of all of your detox.

Nurses will regularly monitor your physical health and when withdrawal symptoms start to be experienced, and it is safe to commence your detox, medication will be prescribed. Usually, medication will be reduced gradually from the initial dose each day until the detox is complete.  Once the substitute medication has stopped being administered, you will still have on-going access to medical support throughout the rest of your stay at Broadway Lodge.

During detoxification you will receive education and awareness around alcoholism, addiction and relapse prevention, regular counselling support and complimentary therapies will be available to help you to relax, calm the mind and reduce any stress or anxiety.

Once your detox is complete you can choose to transition to our therapeutic programme which is where real transformation to your thinking will happen so you can gain a solid foundation to begin your life in recovery.

It may feel like a scary and long road ahead but it’s never too late to ask for help and detox from alcohol. You can read more about detoxing at Broadway Lodge here.

Group therapy

Therapeutic programme

Therapy for Alcohol Addiction

As the most experienced rehabilitation centre in the UK we’ll give you the tools for a sustainable, long-term recovery and a welcoming, confidential, supportive and non-judgmental environment to begin healing.

The therapeutic treatment programme is designed to improve your mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. It’s an emotional but truly life changing experience if you’re ready to learn to live in a new way, without alcohol.

You will be supported and challenged to change your attitudes and beliefs and experienced counsellors will work with you compassionately using different styles of therapy to suit you. They will help you to identify and address the underlying causes and triggers of your drinking whilst also helping you to heal any other presenting issues that trouble you whether it’s low self-worth, narcissism, people pleasing, fear or co-dependency to name a fraction of the issues that we can help you to work through.

Led by a counsellor, group therapy is held at least once a day, every day, and many clients report that these are the most powerful sessions. It provides a confidential and non-judgemental space where you can explore your issues openly, gain identification and develop self-awareness by listening to others. Group therapy is particularly useful to clients who struggle to express their feelings or who have felt isolation and loneliness as a result of their addiction.

We know that it’s daunting to share your behaviours, triggers and past experiences when you feel a deep sense of shame and guilt but being honest and open is an integral part of healing these feelings. You will realise that you’re not alone and through group therapy you will develop positive bonds with your peers, feel inspired by receiving feedback and feel valued for giving support to others.

We recognise that the comprehensive programme can be an emotional experience and stressful at times while you’re learning, understanding, digging deep and healing painful experiences so we offer a range of holistic therapies throughout treatment to help relax and calm the mind and body. These include Auricular Acupuncture, Aromatherapy Massage, Reiki, Tai Chi Qigong as well as mindfulness and relaxation classes.

At Broadway Lodge you will get to understand YOU, challenge any limiting beliefs you have, develop healthy boundaries and change any unhelpful thinking, attitudes and behaviours.

Our therapeutic programme includes:

  • Regular one to one counselling
  • At least one group therapy session every day
  • Relapse prevention exploration
  • Gender groups and mini groups
  • Learning about and working through the 12 Step principles which is a spiritual framework for helping you to learn a healthy way of living and help you to sustain a long-term recovery after treatment
  • Assignments tailored to you to help you heal presenting issues alongside your one to one counselling and group therapy sessions
  • Auricular Acupuncture offered daily to calm the mind and to reduce any stress and anxiety
  • Mindfulness and relaxation classes
  • Tai Chi Qigong
  • Stress management
  • Regular lectures about addiction and other related subjects
  • Music, creative writing, art and drumming workshops
  • Attendance at fellowship meetings (such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous)
  • Visits from former residents and other guests who share their personal and inspirational journeys of addiction and recovery
  • Therapeutic films

Alcohol addiction treatment FAQs

Broadway Lodge Addiction Rehab Get Help

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If you have a questions or would like to find out more about our private treatment packages, prices and what a stay at Broadway Lodge is like, you can contact us in confidence by calling us on 01934 812319, emailing [email protected] or sending us a message  and we will respond as soon as we can.

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Fast track admission if you book one of our private treatment packages

Recovery stories Hear Rachael's story

Discover what addiction meant to Rachael and how she overcame her fears with the help from the people at Broadway Lodge.

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