gambling addiction treatment broadway lodge

Gambling addiction & treatment

Gambling Addiction Treatment Centre in the UK

For some more than others, gambling has the potential to become very addictive and destructive to many aspects of life including relationships and finances. With so much advertising around gambling surrounding our everyday lives, it is an unfortunate consequence that so many have become helplessly addicted. Whilst past attempts to stop or cut down on gambling activities have ended in failure, this does not mean the problem cannot be treated.

Seeking help is the first step forward to getting your life back. Even visiting this website shows that you’re already halfway there and proves that you have the courage and desire to combat this. We know it’s hard to stop on your own but the good news is that gambling addiction, like all other addictions, is treatable and we will help you to develop tools so that you can control the urges to gamble and to change your thinking so that you can stop, so that gambling won’t ruin your life anymore.

We’re here to listen. Contact us online or call us on 01934 812319

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Addiction symptoms

The signs of a gambling addiction

We know that gambling can often start as just a leisurely pastime, but what starts as a bit of a flutter can spiral into an addiction with impactful consequences. Understanding the signs of gambling addiction is crucial in recognising a serious condition that often hides in plain sight.

  • Feeling the need to be secretive about gambling.
  • Having trouble controlling your gambling habits.
  • Gambling when you cannot afford to.
  • Your friends and family have expressed concerns.
  • You may have asked to borrow money from friends and family and have then been evasive or
  • dishonest about the reason.
  • ‘Chasing losses’ and placing more bets in order to try and get even.
  • Preoccupation, as your mind is constantly on gambling or problems with debt.
  • Not being honest about what you have been doing or where you have been.
  • Possessing large amounts of cash, which then disappear.
  • Committing crimes such as fraud or theft, especially when the proceeds then disappear.
  • Increasing the gambling amounts each time in order to achieve the same rush.
  • Spending large amounts of time online with no apparent purpose.

As well as he above, excessive gambling often causes a multitude of emotional symptoms, such as anxiety, depression and even suicidal thoughts. Losing everything to gambling is devastating and leaves many people feeling completely hopeless. These psychological symptoms can lead to physical symptoms such as sleep deprivation, pale skin, weight gain or weight loss, acne and dark circles under the eyes. But there is hope. Addiction is a disease and we are here to help. Talk to us confidentially today.

What's it like at Broadway Lodge?

“I did not know how much my life would change by coming to Broadway Lodge. I had spent years in the cycle of a gambling addiction not knowing how to get off the rollercoaster ride. It was the hardest but best thing I have ever done.”

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Our approach to treating gambling addiction

While rehabilitation may to some seem like a scary place, it really isn’t. There is no shame in it. We have met so many people with different levels of addiction, and every one of them has been treatable.

As an abstinence-based rehabilitation centre, our aim is to help you to stop gambling so that you can move on with your life and leave the utter misery of gambling addiction behind. Broadway Lodge is a non-judgmental and confidential place which is full of hope where you can be completely honest and open.

Our supportive treatment programme

Our approach to treating gambling addiction is tackled through a variety of supportive techniques including one-to-one counselling, group therapy, holistic treatments such as Auricular Acupuncture, mindfulness, Tai Chi Qigong and massage, all through our 12-step based philosophy. All elements of our therapeutic programme are designed to not only help you to combat your addiction but to improve your mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

At Broadway Lodge, you will be immersed into a challenging but extremely supportive programme so that you can develop understanding and coping mechanisms in order to deal with future gambling cravings and to find alternative outlets.

Qualified counsellors will work with you compassionately to explore not only your compulsive behaviours around gambling and thinking towards money but also other any problems or stresses in your life, as there is usually an underlying cause for gambling excessively. And we’ll make sure that we get to the root cause.

You will have regular one to one counselling, using techniques such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), as well as daily group therapy. You will be given assignments tailored to the areas in your life which need addressing whether it’s to help you to overcome self-worth issues, shame, trauma or fear for example, and each day you’ll sit in on a lecture around the topic of addiction.

You’ll also be able to listen to shares from ex-residents and other guests who will present their own journey of addiction and recovery which can give you lots of inspiration and hope for the future. Holistic therapies such as Auricular Acupuncture, mindfulness, Tai Chi Qigong and massage are also part of the programme, to help you to relax and calm the mind.

Our range of therapies are integrated with the spiritual 12 step philosophy which provides a framework to follow, particularly after treatment, in order to maintain the positive changes that happen to your thinking during treatment and keep you on track with your recovery from gambling for the long-term.

All elements of the therapeutic programme are designed to not only help you to combat your addiction but to improve your mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Where else can I get support?

For more help and advice about gambling addiction we would recommend you visit the GamCare website which provides a wealth of information specifically about gambling addiction. You will find free self-help resources and they also have a free helpline and online chat facility too.

Also, you may find support through Gamblers Anonymous – visit their website here.

Gambling addiction treatment FAQs

Broadway Lodge Addiction Rehab Get Help

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If you have a questions or would like to find out more about our private treatment packages, prices and what a stay at Broadway Lodge is like, you can contact us in confidence by calling us on 01934 812319, emailing [email protected] or sending us a message  and we will respond as soon as we can.

Contact us online

Fast track admission if you book one of our private treatment packages

Barcley at home
Recovery stories from previous residents Hear Barcley's story

Discover what addiction meant to Barcley and how he overcame his fears with the help from the people at Broadway Lodge.

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