Group therapy session

Therapeutic treatment programme

Residential therapeutic treatment at Broadway Lodge is a compassion focused and abstinence-based psychological programme designed to nurture your mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. You will get to understand your addiction, address the underlying causes and explore other presenting issues that you’ve struggled with so that you can heal and move forward with your life without using drink, drugs or harmful behaviours as a coping mechanism.

Your attitudes, beliefs and behaviours will be challenged in a safe, caring and non-judgmental environment and you’ll be supported to explore and develop new ways of managing feelings. You will also develop the tools to be able to sustain your recovery for the long-term.

Birds flying over the shore at sunset

Rehab may feel like a daunting prospect but you will quickly discover how welcoming and supportive your new home is and you will soon build strong connections with your peers and gain hope for the future. To help you to settle in you will have a supportive buddy by your side – a fellow peer who will help you to adjust to your new routine and the new environment in your first week.

On this page you will find information about the range of integrated therapies offered, an overview of a typical day at Broadway Lodge along with the weekly price of the therapeutic treatment programme.

“However hard I tried I couldn’t stop the sporadic binge drinking. With the help of the counsellors and looking deep inside myself I became aware of patterns of behaviour that were linked to childhood trauma and that I had a huge problem with co-dependency (being my self-worth, self-esteem, people pleaser). I was hurting badly because I was looking externally to feel good about me, which I had no idea about. Without Broadway I would never have gained this knowledge. They describe it as the “Feelings Factory”, and it all began to make sense. I struggle so much with my feelings, emotions, and anxiety and drank to stop the pain. I am over a year sober and I am in a much happier place and without it I am not sure how long I would have survived as I just didn’t know how to stay stopped. Recovery is not easy, but anyone who’s been through treatment and continues with their recovery will have the peace recovery brings. I do. So time out is so worth the investment and Broadway Lodge has changed my life completely. I went in like a petrified caterpillar and came out with wings and I have no plan to stop flying.”

Former client

Outside of Broadway Lodge

What to expect

Therapeutic treatment features

Based in the main house with up to 27 fellow peers, every day you will be involved in therapeutic, educational and relaxation sessions with support available from both staff and peers day and night.

Helping you get the most out of your time here requires a tailored approach which is why your focal counsellor will work with you early on to create an individualised plan of care with specific treatment goals that will be regularly reviewed.

Features of the  programme at Broadway Lodge include:

  • Daily community group
  • One to one counselling
  • Daily group therapy
  • Psycho-educational lectures
  • Variety of interactive, educational workshops
  • Mini groups
  • Gender groups
  • 12 Step work
  • Fellowship meetings (e.g. Alcoholics Anonymous)
  • Relapse prevention exploration
  • Tailored assignments alongside counselling to help you to heal presenting issues
  • Family involvement (if required) to aid your recovery and repair relationships
  • Ex-resident shares
  • Stress management
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Auricular Acupuncture
  • Mindfulness & relaxation classes
  • Massage & Reflexology
  • Reiki
  • Yoga

We recognise that the journey in rehab can feel intense and emotional so it’s important that you have time to chill out. Along with some of the relaxation features on offer, there are breaks within the daily schedule for you to reflect, relax, chat with peers or go for a walk with your new friends. At allocated times, you can also use your mobile phone so you can keep in touch with friends and family.

Supporting you into recovery

Counselling at Broadway Lodge

One to one counselling in the garden at Broadway Lodge

All of the counsellors at Broadway Lodge want what’s best for you. They are suitably trained, qualified and experienced to support you with all the issues that have arisen as a result of your addiction. Some counsellors even have their own personal experiences of addiction. Counsellors will help you plan your treatment journey from start to finish. They will guide, support, challenge and push you to do your very best whilst at Broadway Lodge. There are things that you may not even have thought about that they will help you with whilst you are here.

Although you will have your own focal counsellor, you may find that you form relationships with other counsellors who bring a different perspective to you which can be beneficial.

There are also support staff who work alongside the counsellors and can help in areas such as financial matters, appointments or helping to arrange third stage accommodation if required, to help make your rehab experience as smooth as possible.

Looking after your health

Medical support at Broadway Lodge

Alongside the counsellors and the support team, a team of specialist nurses and health care assistants are here to help if you ever feel poorly, if you have a health concern or if you would like information and advice about your physical or mental health. On occasions when they aren’t able to help themselves they will arrange external appointments if required, such as the dentist or an appointment at the local sexual health clinic.

The medical team are largely based in the Gordon Beard Unit but there is also a medical clinician who is based in the main house every day.

In addition, our Consultant Psychiatrist holds a clinic at Broadway Lodge twice a week and is available for you to see if required. We also have a qualified smoking cessation therapist so if you’re a smoker and interesting in quitting during treatment, they can support you to stop.

Rehab life

A typical day

Each day will begin at around 7am and after getting ready, you can help yourself to a selection of different breakfast choices including fresh fruit, yoghurts, cereals and toast.

Mornings usually consist of an informative lecture where you’ll sit in to listen about a topic related to addiction. You’ll also partake in a powerful 60-minute group therapy session and have time to work on a personal assignment set by your counsellor. This could be a piece of 12 Step work or an exercise tailored to address an area in your life you struggle with, whether it’s to help you to overcome shame, trauma or fear for example.



Auricular Acupuncture at Broadway Lodge

After lunch, you can choose to experience a peaceful escape by partaking in Auricular Acupuncture (renowned for its healing benefits), or a stress-busting mindfulness or relaxation class.  You can also opt to take advantage of the fresh, coastal air by going for a walk with some peers, work on an assignment or take a break by reading a book or chatting with your peers. There will usually be another group therapy session in the afternoon and following evening dinner, you might watch a therapeutic DVD, listen to an inspirational ex-resident share or engage in a virtual Fellowship meeting (Narcotics Anonymous for example). There are also a range of games to play before bed, such as table tennis and Nintendo Wii.

At different times within the week you will also have one to one counselling with your Focal Counsellor and be involved in a variety of different workshops that are interactive, where you work in a group setting to explore thoughts and opinions.

Staff members are available to speak with 24/7, so you will never be alone and can access support whenever you need it.

“This is going to be the start of the rest of your life. You will be smiling again. You will learn to like who you are and love yourself again. You will achieve much more than these words can express. Allow yourself to adjust and allow yourself to be vulnerable because we have to be broken down to be able to fix ourselves. The tools you’ll gain from Broadway Lodge will remain with you long after you leave.”

Former client

A spiritual philosophy

The 12 Steps

As an abstinence-based rehabilitation centre, our range of therapies are integrated with the spiritual 12 Step philosophy. It provides a tried and tested framework to follow in order to achieve positive behavioural changes. The 12 Steps model is particularly important after you leave Broadway Lodge as it supports you to maintain the positive changes that happen to your thinking during treatment and to keep you on track with your recovery.

Former client at Broadway Lodge

You may have reservations about the 12 Steps and that’s okay – you don’t have to do work on the 12 Steps when you’re with us if you don’t want to. But we will encourage you to learn about the steps and the spiritual principles because from decades of experience and the many thousands of people around the world who are part of the Fellowships, we know that the 12 Step philosophy works in helping people to enjoy a quality recovery for the rest of their lives. The word ‘God’ in the 12 Step wording understandably leads people to question if you have to be religious to apply them to your life, and the answer is always ‘no’. If you would like to read more about the 12 Steps, take a look at our website page that explains more about this popular framework for recovery here.

Broadway Lodge Rehab

Duration of stay

The ideal length of stay to gain a solid foundation to your recovery is 12 weeks but we do offer treatment packages (with or without detox) that encompass less time in residential treatment so that you can choose an option that best suits your life and circumstances. Shorter stays are supplemented with online counselling sessions afterwards so that you can continue to receive our professional support in early recovery. If you’re unsure about how long you should stay with us, our clinicians can help you to determine the ideal duration to suit your needs during the application process. Please contact us to receive detailed information about our treatment packages that we offer and prices.

If you’re dependent on certain drugs, prescribed medication or alcohol, you may require a detoxification as the first stage of treatment in order to overcome the physical dependence, before transitioning to the therapeutic programme. You can find out more about our inpatient detoxification here.

Lady stood in field

Speak to us in confidence

How to contact us

If you’re thinking about addiction treatment for yourself or a loved one and have some questions or would like to request information about our treatment packages and prices, we’d love to help you. Our enquiries team are available to speak with 9am-5pm Monday to Friday and can be contacted directly by calling 01934 815515.

Alternatively, please email [email protected] or send us a message and we’ll reply as soon as we can.