wales sponsored walk

Support us

Thank you for your interest in supporting the work we do at Broadway Lodge and the people we help. We really appreciate the generosity and kindness of our individual and corporate supporters and as a small charity where our income comes solely from the referrals we receive, every donation makes a real difference.

Every penny that is donated to us goes towards making the lives of our clients at Broadway Lodge better whilst also helping to secure the survival of our much-needed work. Whether this might be paying for a 4-week charity bed placement, medication, counselling sessions or group activities, everything is put towards transforming lives.

We know that affordability is important, so there is an option for every budget.

If you would like to make a difference by donating an amount you can afford to Broadway Lodge, you can do this by making a one-off or monthly donation, holding a fundraiser, donating for free through Easyfundraiser when you shop online or by leaving a gift in your will. We also have giving options for organisations too.

Thank you for however much you can give.

You can read more about how you can help us through the pages below or you can request our ‘Ways To Support Us’ brochure to browse the giving options and we will send you a copy as soon as possible.

Request a Brochure
Michele with Markkus

Stories from Broadway Lodge

How your support helps

To discover how your support can change lives, take a look at our videos and case studies of former clients who detail their own experience of treatment at Broadway Lodge and how their lives and wellbeing have changed since.

View stories

We are proudly registered with the Fundraising Regulator which is an independent body that sets the Code of Fundraising Practice and regulates fundraising across the charitable sector in the UK. The work of the Fundraising Regulator helps to ensure that fundraising activities undertaken by charities are ethical and that the public and donors are protected. 

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