Day 22 in treatment
24th April 2020

Anonymous client’s treatment journey, day 22

We’re sharing the 8th instalment of a series of blogs which follows the significant event form thoughts of one anonymous client. It allows us to give you a raw insight into emotions and feelings that can be experienced as someone progresses through therapeutic treatment here.


 Significant Event thoughts on day 22 at Broadway Lodge

The most significant event of today was: “Had a really productive group with counsellor Garf. Shared for the first time. Secondary weren’t there and I felt less judged, more open – at one with peers. Lots of identification, even with counsellors (which I thought were all normal staff). Had a care plan discussion with a lovely lady who’s been here 30-odd years. I felt understood and reassured, really therapeutic chat which is what I needed – just to be heard and reassured. I know this…I think too much!!”

Why was it important to me? “The group session gave the quiet people the opportunity to speak up. Very important as I only know the people in group 2. Bonding. To be told you’re doing just fine is/was a relief. Think I’ve been putting myself under immense pressure. I feel like I’m in the right place for the first time and that maybe I can recover. I know only too well this is a golden chance/ my last chance.”



The power and feeling of being understood cannot be underestimated. Just telling somebody in treatment, ‘you’re doing well’ can be an uplifting and motivating factor for change and can provide a spring in their step. Some clients have felt misunderstood and not had any positive regard for years before accessing professional help, therefore to start receiving this can feel warm and uplifting for the soul.