When I came here to Broadway Lodge on 5th January 2017 I was a broken man with no self worth, no self esteem but a little bit of hope. That hope came from my key worker in Ipswich as I approached him when I was at my rock bottom. He showed the picture of how he use to look and told me his story and what recovery has given him and at that point I handed my will over to him basically. I didn’t even choose to come to Broadway. He chose it for me. All I asked is for it to be as far away as possible. When I saw him I was covered in holes from injecting and he took me to the GP connected to Turning Point and she said that rehab wouldn’t be right for me and I would just walk out. Patrick stuck up for me and stated that he would do the application anyway. Somebody having faith in me gave me the inner strength to walk through these doors.

When I walked through these doors I was in complete denial and I thought the problem was the drugs and not me and Broadway pretty quickly made me realise that I was the issue. For years I was in denial about being a good dad, but in a very short space of time they helped me realise the destruction to my kids, the insanity of my using had done. Broadway opened their arms to me and gave me the love I needed to get through my detox, guided me through the months of my primary and secondary care to help me become a better person.

One of the main things Broadway has given me has been the gift of being able to love myself, what I have never experienced before in my life and also being able to let go of the shame of the years of my addiction.  When I came here I was physically and mentally unwell. I was in a car accident 6 years ago which left me disabled and very little hope of a future life. Mentally I was tortured, seeing demons and obsessing over suicide and now having come through Broadway it feels like a distant memory but I will always remember where I was to remind myself where I don’t want to go back to.

I am so grateful to the staff and the peers of my time in Broadway for helping me find my soul again. Once I saw no light at the end of the tunnel, and with that little bit of hope, I saw a little light at the end of the tunnel. The staff at Broadway held my hand and walked me to the light. I now bask in the sunshine of my new life.

I would like to thank all the staff at Broadway Lodge for helping me get my life back and giving a future which is worth living.