Grand Pier in Weston-Super-Mare

Extended treatment

The extended treatment programme is a great option for clients who have progressed through 12 weeks of therapeutic treatment at Broadway Lodge and are ready to gain more independence but with our continued care and expertise. This programme is designed as a stepping stone prior to living independently in the community.

Jigsaw puzzle

Residential rehabilitation

What is extended treatment?

Whilst continuing to live at Broadway Lodge with access to the majority of the main therapeutic treatment programme, clients are given more freedom and responsibility with the chance to pursue hobbies and interests and become involved in community and voluntary work whilst living in a safe and supported environment. Clients in extended treatment are able to further develop what has been learnt in their previous 12 weeks at Broadway Lodge and will continue to work on the 12 Steps and other issues such as grief or codependency for example.

The programme includes individual and group therapy, workshops, outings, art groups and attendances at AA/NA Fellowship meetings.

In addition, where appropriate and following careful planning, clients may have the chance to go home for a weekend. This normally occurs in the second half of treatment and provides the opportunity for clients to reconnect with family and the home environment prior to discharge, and to process the experience on return as part of their plan for leaving treatment.

How long is the programme?

The length of the programme will vary depending on the situation but is typically based on a 12 week structure and aims to support the development of the social, life and recovery skills required to maintain a quality recovery.