Val and John smiling outside of the Broadway Lodge front door
21st June 2023

Val returns to Broadway Lodge after 38 years

This week we had a wonderful surprise visit from Val and John (pictured). Val was in treatment at Broadway Lodge in 1985 and has stayed sober ever since.

On Monday she returned with her husband John (they’ve been together for an incredible 68 years!), and they told us how grateful they are for the work of Broadway Lodge because it saved her life when she was here. They are delighted to see we are still delivering treatment and helping so many others to begin their life in recovery from addiction, without using alcohol, substances or compulsive, harmful behaviours as a coping mechanism.

Val was shown around Broadway Lodge so she could see the facilities again after 38 years and it was a pleasure to listen to Val’s memories of her time here. We showed her a photograph of the staff team taken in the late 1980’s and our Maintenance Manager, Stuart, who started working at Broadway Lodge around the same time Val began her treatment, pointed out the names of some of the staff members in the photo. Val was overjoyed to see her focal counsellor in the photo and to reminisce with Stuart and hear about what has happened here after she left treatment.

Val and John now cherish spending valuable time with their daughter, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. They both keep active and Val still works part-time as a cleaner, loves gardening and spends time going to church. John will be celebrating his 90th birthday next month and we hope they have a fantastic celebration with their loved ones and that the sun shines for his birthday party in the garden.

Val is an inspiration and shows that a happy and fulfilling life in recovery is possible.