Writing in a book
24th May 2019

The Journey

Philip successfully completed a detox at Broadway Lodge and left earlier this week. On his last day he wrote a poem called The Journey, providing an account of his addiction and feelings before and during treatment. He kindly gave us permission to share it with our readers and followers. We wish Philip all the best in his recovery.


The Journey

I found myself with a demon by my side

Before long he had got inside

That demon has followed me all my life

Every day he has given me strife.

He became my crutch on which I relied

Thanks to him several times I have nearly died

Wherever I turn he is there to tempt me

For years he has never let me be.

Then one day I decided enough was enough

I took on a journey that I knew was going to be tough

I had to cut this demon down to size

The demon to me had to be neutralised.

I started to shrink him one day at a time

But there was no way to erase him from my mind

I knew I was going to need loads of help

Demons are tough, they just never melt.

I went to Turning Point and said “I need to get clean”

All the help they gave me felt like a dream

But there always seemed to be some delay

Then they sent me to this wonderful place called Broadway.

When I walked in through the door I was shaking like a leaf

But as the days passed I found more and more relief

I had joined a wonderful community of new friends

I knew that on every one of them I could depend.

This demon will stay with me forever

But now I have the tools to help me box clever

I have to be strong when he rears his ugly head

I will just look around and tell him he should be dead.

With the help of my new friends I will stay strong

But the time has come for me to say “so-long”

I wish every single one of you all the best

Don’t let your demons put you to the test.