Sophie at NACOA
11th February 2020

Sophie shares her experience with alcohol at the Mindful Drinking Festival 2020

We always feel proud and uplifted when we hear from former clients with updates on their recovery journey. It’s wonderful to be able to share an update from one former client, Sophie, who stayed at Broadway Lodge for addiction treatment in September and October 2018.

Sophie found treatment challenging at times but has stayed focused on her recovery and is now 17 months clean and sober. After treatment completion, she attended our weekly Aftercare sessions for a short while and is enrolled in the West of England Works programme, currently being supported here by Project Coordinator Wendy. Sophie regularly returns to Broadway Lodge and attends our School’s programme where other former and current clients share their addiction experience with young people in local schools. In a recent visit Sophie spoke about her work with NACOA (National Association for Children of Alcoholics).

She has been volunteering with NACOA for six months, initially to answer helpline calls but it became apparent to her that this was going to be very difficult to deal with being so close to her heart. Instead, she took the opportunity to be a panel member at the Mindful Drinking Festival 2020  as an adult child of an alcoholic. Time Out magazine’s summary of the event states that “there’s no need to worry about the next morning’s hangover at Club Soda’s Mindful Drinking Festival. This is a booze-free festival for anyone who’s doing Dry January, sober-curious or on the wagon. There’ll be talks and cocktail classes, as well as traders showcasing alcohol-free beer, wine, low sugar craft sodas and more”.

Sophie was one of five on the panel and was asked to talk about her relationship with alcohol and how it has affected her in the past and present. Sophie’s talk was superb and very heartfelt (see video below) and there was lots of Instagram attention before and afterwards. As a result, she was  contacted by the Amy Winehouse Foundation who would like her to start volunteering for them in London, sharing her story with them to the schools they visit.

Well done Sophie! This is a classic example of the potential that some addicts have in transforming their lives and seizing on opportunities to pass on their experiences. Keep up the great work you’re doing, we’re very proud of you.