Man on the top of a mountain elated
24th September 2021

Recovery Month 2021

It’s September and that means one thing to us here – it’s Recovery Month!

This annual campaign is so important in the substance misuse and mental health sectors. We celebrate recovery every day here, but having a dedicated month in the year for the world to recognise the benefits of treatment for mental health and addiction provides hope that together, we can contribute to societal change in helping to break down the stigma around these illnesses. There’s so much further we need to go because even today, addiction is still misunderstood in our society. Addiction is not a choice and with the right treatment and support, people can and do recover and go on to lead amazing, fulfilling and happy lives.

This short 8-minute video below was published recently and it succinctly explains what addiction is and the science behind it. The people featured demonstrate how talking and reaching out for help can be life saving.

Recovery Month shines a spotlight on the stories of recovery to give others hope that people can recover from addiction and allows everyone to celebrate the achievements of people in the recovery and mental health community.

The theme of this year’s National Recovery Month is “Recovery is For Everyone: Every Person, Every Family, Every Community”. The theme aims to reminds people in recovery and all the people who support them that no one is alone in the journey through recovery and with strength, support, and hope from the people we love, we are resilient.

This year, people in recovery are being challenged to share their appreciation and love for a person who has inspired them in their recovery by posting a picture on social media and  talking about what that person did for them.

If you’d like to look at inspiring recovery-related posts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, try searching #recoverymonth2021 or #recoverymonth and you’ll see an abundance of appreciative posts full of gratitude, happiness and solidarity.

You can also head to the stories page on our website here to watch some of our former clients talk about their addiction and how their recovery journey began. You’ll also find many unique recovery stories to read too.