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4th April 2019

Life Lessons for Students

For over 20 years Broadway Lodge has been meeting students in secondary schools across Bristol and Somerset to educate young people about drugs, alcohol and harmful behaviours such as eating disorders and self-harming.

Young people are among the most influenced from social and media pressure and so it’s vital that they begin to understand the effects and consequences of these substances and behaviours. We also emphasise that it’s OK to talk to someone about their worries, troubles and stress and how this can help to prevent emerging issues from escalating into harmful scenarios and that there are healthy ways of managing difficulties in life.

Some of the schools and colleges that we are delighted to visit include: Crispin School, Kings of Wessex, Churchill School, Gordano School, Nailsea School, Castle School, Heathfield School, Bridgwater Academy, Priory School, Hans Price Academy, The Blue School, Whitestone School, The Downs School, Clevedon School , St Katherine’s School, Bruton School for Girls, St Dunstans School, Weston College, Voyager Centre and Bradley Stoke School.


On the day

Typically, one of our counsellors kicks off the programme with a talk to half a year group (usually Year 10). The addictive personality and the consequences of addictive behaviour are covered along with other related topics.

Students then split into smaller groups of around 20, with three or four of our current or former clients per group sharing their stories about their past and what led them to be admitted into residential rehab for addiction treatment. The full group then reconvenes and we share final messages based around how to live a balanced life. The sessions are then repeated for the other half of the year group and students are welcomed to ask questions throughout.


What students say

The visit made us, as young people, realise that we have to think twice when we encounter drugs and that the consequences of our actions and choices even at our young age can have massive repercussions – Student,  Kings of Wessex School, Cheddar

I just wanted to say thank you for coming and talking to my school. I lost my dad to addiction a few years ago and although he was barely in my life it still affected me massively. It was nice to see the dedication and determination you have to help people fight addictions and come out looking at the bright side. Thank you for the work you’re doing, it’s truly amazing – Student, Heathfield Community School, Taunton


What patients say

The clients who choose to speak to students find the experience very profound and worthwhile and the programme has inspired many of them to go on to work in the education sector and youth services. Recent comments from former clients who have been involved in our school’s programme include:

“I loved doing it and went on to work with a public information company focusing on young people in school and college.”

“I’ve done a couple of the school shares and found it very rewarding. If our shares can help just one person then goal accomplished.”

“I am honoured to be able to have a positive impact on the people who have been or could be affected by addiction.”

“Without a doubt, it was the most powerful thing I did while in Broadway Lodge – so humbling”

“Since leaving Broadway Lodge four years ago I now regularly work in schools. Such an amazing experience.”


Would you like Broadway Lodge to come to your school?

If you would like us to visit a secondary school that you teach at or that your child attends so we can give powerful, first hand experiences of harmful behaviours, substance misuse and explain the consequences of these, please either email [email protected] or pass our details onto the relevant employee at the school.

Our visits cost nothing but as a charity, we are always appreciative of a donation from the school in return and we’re happy to discuss ideas to raise a donation.