People talking on bench
17th February 2020

Let’s talk about depression and suicide and help save lives

Dominating the news this weekend was the shocking, tragic death of talented presenter Caroline Flack who sadly passed away by suicide at her home on Saturday.

The desperation, loneliness and helplessness and thinking that there’s no other way out unfortunately leads to thousands of people to end their own lives every year in the UK. These deaths can be prevented, but only if we reach out and let people know that it’s okay to talk. If we take a minute, we can change a life. Though it may seem like a small thing, reaching out to those going through a difficult time can cut through the darkness and make a meaningful difference. Those who are feeling low, depressed or suicidal often feel worthless, unloved and as though no-one cares about them.

If you suspect that somebody in your life, no matter how distantly involved, is struggling with depression, getting in touch, talking to them and listening can make a huge difference. Much like addiction, depression and suicidal thoughts are something which can affect each and every one of us – regardless of our situation in life. In those moments, it can feel impossible to open up about how you feel. It can feel shameful and self-pitying to be that low, and so talking about it with other people just isn’t an option.

That’s why it’s so important that we take the time to break down the barriers and have those sometimes difficult conversations with the people who matter to us. Nobody has all the answers, but just being there and listening with kindness can help release the burden so many struggling with depression deal with.


How can I help someone who I think is feeling low?

Opening that dialogue isn’t always easy but what’s crucial, however, is that you make the effort.

We’ve prepared a few helpful tips to help you get started:

  • Find a good time and place for the conversation in a place the person feels safe and has time to talk. That could be in a café over a cup of tea or on a park bench, but it needs to be somewhere they feel comfortable.
  • Listen with care when they speak and ask gentle questions. You’re not there to tell them anything, you’re there to listen to what they have to say. If you find yourself at a loss of where to take the conversation next, ask open questions like “how did that feel”, “where did that happen” or “when did that start?”. Or you can be honest and just say that you don’t know what to say but you want to support them.
  • Check that they know where to find help, asking questions like “have you talked to anyone about this?”, “would you know who to talk to?” and “do you want me to come with you?”
  • Let them make their own decisions. If they don’t want to get professional help, let them know that you think it’s the right thing to do, but don’t apply too much pressure. Ultimately though, these conversations are going to be a deeply personal experience, and you should trust your own judgement in these matters.



Samaritans is a charity providing 24/7 support to people in emotional distress or struggling to cope. If you or someone you know is feeling suicidal then the Samaritans Helpline could be a saviour – call free 24 hours a day on 116 123. For lots more support and information visit their website:

In addition, Broadway Lodge is open 24/7 so for any former clients who may be struggling, you’re welcome to give us a call and someone will be here to speak to you.


Together, we can help to reduce the number of suicides.