Day 9 in treatment
9th April 2020

Anonymous client’s treatment journey, day 9

We’re sharing the 5th instalment of a series of blogs which follows the significant event form thoughts of one anonymous client. It allows us to give you a raw insight into emotions and feelings that can be experienced as someone progresses through therapeutic treatment here. Here’s their significant event thoughts after 9 days of treatment.


Significant Event thoughts on day 9 at Broadway Lodge

The most significant event of today was: A really productive and significant morning. First we had group therapy. From somewhere I felt compelled to share where I am and more importantly how I genuinely feel. I suppose I felt confident enough to pour my feelings and thoughts out. And the warmth and support from my peers was comforting and affirming. Suppose I’m beginning to realise it’s OK to be feeling the way I do and I won’t be judged or ridiculed. I’m realising that unless I’m being honest with myself and my peers, its me who will be losing out and not using this massive opportunity fully.

Secondly, Markkus asked to see me which set off a million scenarios in my mind. I was anxious to be honest. To my relief he wanted to give me feedback on a significant event form. It was overwhelming really to have my thoughts and feelings recognised. Not just that but appreciated?! It made me feel good. He used the correct word. It felt cathartic. I also felt pleased he wanted to use my (my!) words for the Broadway Lodge website (which I used to decide on rehab). That someone in my desperate situation may be helped by my words?! Reassured. It made me feel good!

Why was it important to me? Good – I haven’t felt good about anything for as long as I can remember and good is a positive nice feeling. It’s a relief.”



This client is able to acknowledge their feelings, good or bad. It’s ok not to be ok.

One of the most important and powerful parts of rehab for addiction is group therapy and the peer support provided to each other through sharing and identification. Group therapy re-enacts how people may deal with situations and feelings in real life. It’s a microcosm of their real world, with thoughts, feelings and emotions all the same but they are explored in a safe environment in treatment. Acknowledgement of their efforts and positive affirmation are key to the reparative element of their treatment process. Feeling good feels good!