Day 7 in treatment
7th April 2020

Anonymous client’s treatment journey, day 7

We’re sharing the 4th instalment of a series of blogs which follows the significant event form thoughts of one anonymous client. It allows us to give you a raw insight into emotions and feelings that can be experienced as someone progresses through therapeutic treatment here. We are now sharing their significant event thoughts after one week of treatment.


Significant Event thoughts on day 7 at Broadway Lodge


The most significant event of today was: I have been preoccupied with my detox, thinking it was too quick but I only had 2mg Subutex and actually I feel better today than yesterday. I also had my first massage and although I had no expectations it helped massively.

Why was it important to me? I think I’ve started feeling more human, more alive. Opiates were killing me physically and mentally. So I’m sooooo relieved to be coming off them and also to be coming back to life. The therapeutic treatments are really helping me. I believe they are helping restore my brains endorphins. I just feel like I’m being renewed and it’s such a relief. Amazing actually!!”



Often clients can become preoccupied with their detox. This is really about fear and anxiety and not wanting to feel uncomfortable but the reality is that the medical clinicians at Broadway Lodge are very experienced in managing detoxes. Clients are supported by the medical clinicians and therapists throughout their detox and we always aim to bring them gently down like an aeroplane lands on earth, gliding them smoothly down to life’s runway with a gentle landing rather than a harsh and bumpy one. There may be turbulence during their landing but the holistic therapies can help to ensure that the client lands gently.