prodigal son returns
6th November 2018

The prodigal son returns

We had an unexpected visit from Wesley Sobere all the way from Amsterdam last week, who came to show his gratitude for the treatment he received at Broadway Lodge. To say the staff were surprised and pleased was an understatement.

Whilst in treatment Wesley did not really tow the line and was given several opportunities to change. He was grounded for most of his time here, however did successfully complete his treatment and returned to Amsterdam. Unfortunately he relapsed but was able to use the tools that he learnt at Broadway Lodge and with grit and determination, he was able to get himself clean and sober and in recovery again.

He now attends two meetings a week in Amsterdam and has a sponsor. Wesley has promised to return to England in May to do an ex-residents share.

Thank you Wesley for the surprise visit and the special delivery of cheese, we look forward to seeing you in 2019.